Newton Cemetery Company
Lawnwood Avenue, Newton, NJ • est. 1867
The Chapel Mausoleum
at Newton Cemetery
Secure, serene, reverent...
above ground structure on a granite prominence overlooking historic Newton Cemetery.
Chapel Mausoleum
Timeless construction, stone, marble, concrete
Meticulous care, even after family members are deceased
Peace of mind in knowing an important family responsibility has been met
Clean, dry, ventilated crypts at a cost comparable to earth burial
Quiet chapel for reverent services and visitors
One purchase is the only purchase....eliminates the need for lots, vaults and memorial stones
Space in the memorial chapel at Newton Cemetery is within the means of nearly everyone. Above ground burial eliminates many expenses of burial in the earth. Please feel free to visit our Chapel Mausoleum. See first hand the enduring structure, added dignity, convenience, and economy. Selection of a crypt or niche at the Chapel Mausoleum at Newton Cemetery as a final resting place will bring great peace of mind.